Weight 201.
I suppose we all have reasons why we keep failing. It seems to be the same thing that makes us give in. For me, it was my husband. I could be good Monday through Wednesday, but Thursday, when my husband was home with me, all bets were off. Why? Because he was always in the mood for yummy food - to sit with his wife, watch a movie and have some Chinese. Why didn't I just put my foot down? Because I missed him, and quite frankly, movie night and Chinese with my hubby is too awesome to resist.
So, to keep from falling off the wagon on Thursday, I decided I have to get this man on board. How? I listened to all of his excuses about how this or that was inconvenient to eat at work. I said, "Why don't you just count calories with me. Then we can eat whatever, just within the calorie limit. . . " His problem: "I don't like the burden of having to enter it. I just don't do it." Lightbulb.
"How about if I preplanned our food for the week?" "Let's try it." he says. I find out what is easiest for him to eat at work. Turns out, he can do wraps pretty easily (as long as they're not too messy). So, all week, we've been eating as follows:
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Morning Snack: Fruit
Morning Snack: Banana
Lunch: Wrap (Hummus, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato) - This recipe will change next week to keep us from getting board.
Dinner: For Bob Sun - Wed- can of soup, For me, every night, 8 oz meet and a bag of steamed veggies. I cook the meat in water instead of oil. It's not boiling. It's a technique I made up. You have to be on the ready to add more water when it dries up, but it turns out great.
Total calories for this day is right around 1500. Perfect!!
We've both been steadily losing weight.
Tonight is our first Thursday. Why am I not worried? Because, when my husband asks, "What are we doing for dinner?" I can tell him, 8oz meat and a bag of steamed veggies. He might complain a little that he's still hungry, but, if so, he can have some fruit or popcorn w no butter. Because he's been seeing results on the scale, he's excited, which makes it easier for him to play along.
Wish us luck!
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