
I am not a doctor or an expert of any kind on nutrition or health. Any research I have done is through Google and is by no means in-depth. Therefore, any opinions I appear to have, even when quoting experts, may not be accurate. I am not promoting any diet. I am merely doing an experiment and using my own body as a labratory. Please consult a trusted health expert before changing your diet or exercise routine.

Friday, December 4, 2015

I Just Can't Stop Eating

Weight 233.2
Calories 3184
Steps 10,903

So, I started off this day with the best of intentions. However, my eating got out of control right away.  I brought some smoked turkey sticks for my 3pm snack (that's always when I feel drained and need a pick-me-up).  I brought the entire package to work thinking I would have a couple at 3pm, and they would last me several days.  I had the entire package devoured by 11:30 a.m.

When I got home, I had two servings of chili instead of 1.  I was full after 1, so why did I eat the second ?  UUUUHHHGGGG!  I have to get this under control.  It's clearly my main problem. 

As you can see above, I had no problem getting my steps in!  I took my mini-walks at work and did some straightening of the house when I got home.  I'm very proud of myself.  I can't say that I notice any difference in how I feel or that my concentration has been better.  I still crash around 3pm.  But, it is really too soon to tell.  I will keep doing it.  I know one thing, it isn't hurting me. 

So, the biggest thing for me to do is to cut my calories in half.  I lose weight pretty quickly at 1500 calories and a steady workout schedule. 

I think one of the things I need to do is to cut calories within my meals i.e., less cheese, butter, etc.  If I can feel stuffed on less calories, that may help. 

When my mom moves out of my house, her bedroom will become my workout room;  I'm so excited!! 

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