
I am not a doctor or an expert of any kind on nutrition or health. Any research I have done is through Google and is by no means in-depth. Therefore, any opinions I appear to have, even when quoting experts, may not be accurate. I am not promoting any diet. I am merely doing an experiment and using my own body as a labratory. Please consult a trusted health expert before changing your diet or exercise routine.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Calories 3216, Fat 289.41, Net Carb 70.34, Protien 70.48
Weight 185.6 (Down .6 lbs from yesterday)

I have a  bit of a virus (My strep test was negative) so I'm under the weather.  But, DOWN .6 LBS!  I think 9 days in  row is pretty telling.  I even had an apple yesterday.  I am basically eating healthy food only - no junk, no legumes and no grains. 

My diet is high in calories because oil, nuts and cheese are high in calories even for a reasonable portion.  Nonetheless, I am eating super healthy.  I'm finding that, in order to incorporate all of the nutrient rich foods, such as seeds, nuts, olive oil and coconut oil, you have to eat more than 1500 calories. 

I think my theory is confirmed.  However, I'm going to take my training wheels off now and not record everything I eat.  Let's see how well I do flying blind.

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