
I am not a doctor or an expert of any kind on nutrition or health. Any research I have done is through Google and is by no means in-depth. Therefore, any opinions I appear to have, even when quoting experts, may not be accurate. I am not promoting any diet. I am merely doing an experiment and using my own body as a labratory. Please consult a trusted health expert before changing your diet or exercise routine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DAY THREE conclusion

Total carbs 90.07, Calories 2660, protien 64.58, fat 226.84

I had some of my stew for breakfast and again for dinner.  It was delicious.  I brought my cup of cashews into the office and ate them all before noon. Not because I was hungry, but because they were deliscious and I couldn't stop myself. 

At 12:53 p.m., I felt cold.  In my head I actaully thought, "Am I getting chills from this diet?"  Then, I realized my ridiculousness when someone else commented that it was cold in here.  The point I want to make here is that I need to be careful when I assess how I am feeling.  It's very easy for us to blame everything on our diet. I want to try to avoid making those types of assessments just yet.  There are other times I have felt a little dizzy or light headed during the day and I am sure it had nothing to do with food and more to do with the fact that I stare at a computer all day and my eyes get tired.

The very most important thing for me to note - There was not a single moment today that I felt hungry or deprived.   As a matter of fact, I went straight to the gym when I got home from work.  I did 10 minutes on the stair master and jogged 3 miles.  Usually I'm so hungry by the time I get home, I eat dinner and have wait for it to settle before I can think about hitting the treadmill. 

I was thinking about what causes me to not succeed when I try to lose weight.  My moments of weakness come when I am either hungry or bored.  A good movie and never ending snacks to me is almost better than sex.  You should see how my husband and I light up when its movie night at home and we're in Meijer deciding on what we're going to pig out on.  We love it.  The cool thing is, I can totally munch on veggies and dip.  I don't usually because of all the calories in the dip.  I'm looking forward to some merlot and cheese this weekend. 

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