I thought I'd do some research on what the consensus is out there on the web about eating fat.
The statements most consistent with my results are from http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jessec3.htm, He doesn't mention cutting calories and he doesn't advocate eating eating whole grains, although he doesn't say not to do these things.
The dumbest thing I read was: It has been studied and scientists say that eating more fatty foods can be better for you that eating less fat. This means you have to eat more carbohydrates. However, you need to try and eat healthier carbs, such as wheat breads, whole grain rice and potatoes.
I got this from http://hubpages.com/hub/Eat-Fat-To-Burn-Fat In my opinion, this couldn't be more wrong. Those are super starchy foods. That sounds like a recipe for gaining a ton of weight. I think who ever wrote this, needs to test it out.
Another website said: As long as you eat healthy fats in moderation (since they are high in caloric value) they will help you in your weight loss journey.
I got this from http://www.aryafarzin.com/2009/04/eat-fat-to-burn-fat.html I still maintain that its too soon to tell, but that is not what I'm experiencing.
I also came across this website: http://www.squidoo.com/eat-fat-to-burn-fat. The main gist is that it takes fat to burn fat and also to absorb certain vitamins. The writer mentions Joseph Mercola, Author of the "No Grain Diet. I'll have to read this.
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